Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Post holiday blues

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

OK so I'm a day late!! Its Tuesday and boy does it feel like a Monday! This weekend was filled with fun, work and hanging out with the family.

Friday I "helped" shear some alpaca. WHAT A BLAST. I never thought that being covered in animal hair and almost other animal byproducts :) would be so much fun. We laughed and laughed. Most of the animals were fine. I should say all but 2 were. The 2 that were testy just happened to be pregnant. I wouldn't want to be touched if I were pregnant either!

Saturday we jumped in the car for a quick run over to WEBS! I have to say if you are a yarn and fiber fan this is a must do trip for summer. Of course I only had a few minutes in this lovely bit of heaven, but I manages to grab a spindle and some really cool roving that I am planning to bring with me to the Knit and Spinning group tonight at the Library.

After WEBS we stopped at the Massuchussetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair. It was great! A small show but we only had about an hour to spend so it was perfect for us. I purchased 2 hanks of hand spun alpaca and got to try a kromley spinning wheel. It just so happens that the lady we talked to is from a town close to me! What a small world the fiber community lives in!

Sunday and Monday were spent planting the gardens and tending to chores. We planted, beans (green and yellow), peas, beets, leaf lettuce, spearmint, oregno, chives, thyme, rosemary, catnip, lavendar, dill, zuchini, yellow squash, yellow and read onions, hot peppers, sweet pepper, bell peppers, cucumbers, and parsley. We also planeted all my annuals and perrinials in the front yard.

Then we visited the pigs who are living behind us (what cute babies they are now, all snortining and routing around). They will make even better bacon and sausage in due time :) After seeing the pigs my better half, I think understands how to build the pastures for the Alpaca! We even started to talk fencing and posts - WHOO HOOO! (baby steps foward are better then baby steps backward!!)

So now its Tuesday!! Back to work and planning for the weekend. I still have a few gift projects to finish, a hat, a felting project, a ton of socks, and of course all this roving to spin!!

Until Next Week!! Just Keep Busy!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Who would have thought

That it is still freezing at night here in the middle of may.

That excercize could be dangerous to your health or at least my knees.

That there are great people out there willing to teach you the ropes if you are willing to learn

That you can blog while walking on a treadmill.

That no matter how many WIPs I have, there are always more to start.

That I would come to love a camelid.

What is your "who would have thought."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Today is Tuesday!!

and WOW what a Tuesday it is!! I am restarting my blog to bring everyone up to date. I just recently came to the conclusion that we should keep a few "farm" type animals at the ranch! So I have spent all my free time researching these BEAUTIFUL animals called Alpaca.

***Side note this is for the non knitters, crocheters, and spinners who read my blog and want to know what an Alpaca is. All you crafty folk can just skip this part***. Alpacas are the softest, cutest, animals you will ever meet. They are used for their soft/warm fleece. When I get a few picturs I will post them. But if you just too impatient and want to know what they look like (google Alpaca) and you will find all sorts of pictures/info on these great animals.

So by day, I am a mile mannered Account Executive at the very best place to work! And by night, and weekends I work with Fiber and knit, crochet, spin (so ok I haven't perfected this just yet) but i'm working on it, tweet, blog, and continue my farm research.

I am loving life right now. Stay tuned for more.

Something to ponder: Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Are you ready for it??